Thursday, February 18, 2010

Love gone

Love divine,
Oh love excelling!
But where is this love?
The love the old hymes have re-echoed,
Love that knows no boundaries,
Love, the word we love to talk about,
Love that sees no fault,
Love that cures the wiry,
Love that binds us together,
Love that casts away all evil
Oh love!
That word love we love to love.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Gone by the season

I saw her green and titivated in pink,
Confidently she stands,
Like a beauty queen,
Swaying left and right in a rhythmatic motion,
A beauty no eye can ignore,
Even the best designer could never come up with such an idea,

Where is the beauty
I saw yesterday.
Withered and stripped of all her glory,
Her petal blown away by the wind,
A lone she stands,
Green and plain,
No on notices her.

Then comes an old woman,
Frail and feeble,
She hands me the withered flower.
Yesterday I was that blossom you are,
And today;
Oh beauty,
Just for a season.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Like a titan,
He walked up to me,
Eyes on me like an eagle eyeing its prey,
The handshake firm and yet smooth
His voice rythmatic like the grand harp played in Rwot’s court yard
Yet piercing like the obiya by the lake.
Dumb folded I stood smiling like a dummy
What spell have you casted on me

His teeth white like the first harvest maize
His warmth consumed me like the morning sun
His breath…………
And before he could undo his spell
Like the wind he disappeared
Leaving me on my own

My heart he took with him
His presence he left with me
You, heart thief
When will you return to me, my heart
When do I get it back,
Remove this spell from me; you thief
‘Cause I want me back.

Purposeless Life

East, North, south, west the wind moves,
Taking with it everything it comes across
Tearing through the universal in random motion
So is a man without a purpose
Like the wind, he goes where ever life takes him.

So what is your purpose in life,
What purpose do you have in life,
What has life in store for you,
What legacy will you leave behind,
A purposeless life is lifeless life.